Simplify, standardize and harmonize

The objective of the EVRoaming Foundation is to facilitate roaming services for charging electric vehicles and provide transparent information to consumers about charging locations and prices, by use of the open and independent Open Charge Point Interface (OCPI) protocol. The ultimate goal is to allow any EV driver to charge at any charging station in the EU: simplify, standardize and harmonize.

The EVRoaming Foundation manages and maintains the OCPI protocol and ensure its free availability. The foundation is not limited to OCPI and can also support other related activities and services.

Latest news

March 2025:

News Flash March 25 is out with:

  • OCPI v2.3.0 and webinar 12th March
  • OCPI Test Tool is here!

Download the latest News Flash here


There is a huge EVRoaming & OCPI community that contributes to all kind of issues related to access to EV charging infrastructure and the new OCPI developments and versions, but also helps with installations and all kind of questions from other OCPI users. Read more about the community and participants:

Latest news

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